Health Tests & Assessments


Given all the additional challenges of the last 2 years, it's never been more important to take control of our health

The first step is to find out how you are doing. It could be that you have been pushing yourself to achieve your goals. And it can also be you are not achieving the levels of energy either in the gym, the office or simply at home.

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Heart Health Tests

We are able to offer onsite ECG tests and also arrange for more in depth tests such as your cardiac profile blood markers or even an CT scan.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An electrocardiogram is a non-invasive way to check your heart's rhythm and electrical activity. Whilst it can't detect all heart problems, it is the most common starting point and can help you decided if other tests could help.

Our team can even conduct them in your work place or gym. This makes group screening both easy and cost effective. 

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An echo is an ultra sound scan of your heart.  It provides moving pictures of the heart to check the functioning of your heart. It works in the same way an ultrasound of an unborn baby gives useful pictures of a baby.

It's particularly good at checking valve function.

Cardiac Blood Profile

Depending on factors such as lifestyle and family history, we can also measure your cardiac biomarkers. These are the enzymes, hormones and proteins that can tell you the amount of strain your heart has been under.

This is a great addition to add to your blood tests- if your context suggests is may be worth doing.


An echo is an ultra sound scan of your heart.  It provides moving pictures of the heart to check the functioning of your heart. It works in the same way an ultrasound of an unborn baby gives useful pictures of a baby.

It's particularly good at checking valve function.

24 Hour Assessments

Increasing concern

Even before the pandemic, heart disease was one of the most important health problems. Since the pandemic, ensuring your heart health has become even more important.

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